Made for Curdle jam #35!

-What is it?

"Play your Cards RIGHT" is a unique mix of Tower Defense, Zombie Survival, and Cards.

-How to play?

During the day, you must chop down trees, mine for resources, and buy items from the shop to prepare for the night. During the night, you must defend yourself and your flag to survive.


LMB to break trees, attack mobs, interact with UI, etc.

SPACE to place your flag/start the night.

W, S, A, and D to move

E to use the furnace if you have raw meat in your deck.

-Things to know

After the first day, you can place your flag wherever you want. after that, SPACE will only start the game. your flag will remain in the same place.

When placing planks or stone, you cannot drag to place the resources. it will go to your mouse until LMB is pressed.

You can remove unwanted items by equipping them and placing them in the trash bin during the day cycle.

Weapons have infinite range. Click to interact from anywhere!

-Item guide

Fists - Click to attack or break resources. Only way to break trees.

Swords - Click to attack. Higher level Sword = More damage

Pickaxes - Click gold ore to break. Higher level Pickaxe = More gold.

Meat - Equip to eat. Raw = +3 HP. Cooked = +8 HP

Repair kit - Equip to obtain +10 flag HP

Planks - Temporairily block zombies. Equip and move your mouse to desired location. Click to place.

Stone - Block zombies for longer. Equip and move your mouse to desired location. Click to place.

Furnace - Press E while touching a furnace to cook all meat in your inventory.

Shotgun - Click  to shoot. points towards mouse-pointer, kills zombies in one shot.

Thanks for playing!

Published 18 days ago
GenreShooter, Survival
TagsNo AI, Simple, Top-Down, Tower Defense, Zombies


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Killed pig. Am sad now. Good attention to detail, but i struggled with understanding how to play and what to do. great effort!